Кримінальні події

In the city of Truskavets, the police detained an intruder who threatened gas station customers with a grenade

A 34-year-old resident of the city of Boryslav, who was previously held criminally liable, faces up to seven years in prison for the crime. Law enforcement officers are establishing the origin of the grenade.

Today, March 9, around 00:30, the 102 hotline received a report that a conflict broke out between customers at one of the gas stations in the town of Truskavets, Drogobytsky District, during which one of the participants threatened the other with a grenade.

A group of the response sector of the patrol police, an investigative-operational group and employees of other services of the police department No. 2 of the Drohobytskyi district police department, as well as specialists of the Department of the Explosives Service of the Lviv Region Police immediately went to the scene.

Seeing the law enforcement officers, the attacker unscrewed the fuse from the grenade and threw them away. Police officers detained the man in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Subsequently, explosives technicians removed a grenade, probably RGD-5, and the fuse, which were sent for expert examination.

The detainee was identified as a 34-year-old resident of the city of Boryslav, who had previously been held criminally liable.

The issue of notifying the perpetrator of a suspected criminal offense under Part 4 of Article 296 (Hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is being resolved. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – deprivation of liberty for a term of three to seven years.

The pre-trial investigation continues, law enforcement officers are establishing the origin of the ammunition.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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