In total, since the beginning of 2024, 12 road accidents involving cyclists have occurred on the roads of Lviv and the region, 9 of which resulted in injuries. As a result of the accidents, 2 people died and 7 others were injured.
Since the main cause of death or injury of cyclists is non-compliance by road users (cyclists and drivers of other vehicles) with the requirements of the Traffic Rules of Ukraine, we remind you that
only persons who have reached the age of 14 are allowed to ride bicycles on the roads. A cyclist has the right to drive a two-wheeled vehicle that is equipped with a sound signal and reflectors: white in front, orange on the sides, and red on the back. To ride in the dark and in conditions of low visibility, a light (headlight) must be installed and turned on on the bicycle. If possible, use personal safety equipment: helmet, knee and elbow pads, and be sure to follow the requirements of signs, markings and traffic signals.
According to clause 6.6 of the Traffic Rules of Ukraine, a cyclist is prohibited from
Ride a bicycle with a faulty brake, sound signal, and in the dark and in conditions of low visibility – with the light (headlight) turned off or without reflectors;
ride on highways and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway when there is a bicycle lane nearby;
move on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (except for children under 7 years of age on children’s bicycles under the supervision of adults);
hold on to another vehicle while driving;
ride without holding the steering wheel and take your feet off the pedals (footrests);
transport passengers on a bicycle (except for children under 7 years of age who are transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fixed footrests);
tow other bicycles and trailers not designed for use with a bicycle.
We also remind you that the presence of reflective elements on clothing significantly increases safety, as a car driver can notice such a cyclist at a much greater distance, which means that he or she can slow down, increase the side interval or stop in time.
We would also like to address motorists who often allow themselves to ignore their colleagues – drivers of two-wheeled vehicles – on the road. Cyclists are road users just like you, so the requirements of the Traffic Rules of Ukraine apply to them, just like to you. Failure to comply with these requirements is an administrative offense, and in some cases (for example, if you cause an accident with victims), it is a criminal offense, which is punishable by up to several years in prison. We advise you not to forget about it!
Communication department of the Lviv regional police