Кримінальні події

Growing hemp in self-contained greenhouses in boudinkas – 800 bushes were bred

Due to the procedural investigation of the Galician district prosecutor’s office of Lvov city, it was accused and informed about the suspicion of a 37-year-old man for the fact of illegal sowing and cultivation of hemp plants (part 2 of article 310 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

For the data of the investigation, in one of the villages of the Pustomitivsky district, they planted a self-contained greenhouse for sowing that hemp growing at the vlasny booth.

For which wines, having installed a ventilation system, lighting and automatic watering of plantings. After that, having planted in pots for the present, having looked at it, it has grown the growth. In such a rank, 500 cannabis bushes have grown.

However, he suspected that he didn’t grow up in another village in the Lviv region, in a budinka, which would lie in wait for his squad, also arranging a special site for the cultivation of fenced growths. In them, having created a piece of pleasant microclimate and planting and growing more than 300 cannabis bushes.

The total number of growing plantations should be about 800 bushes.

Pravokhorontsі zatrimali cholovіka in the order of Art. 208 CC of Ukraine.

Followed by trivayut, a number of examinations were recognized.

On the contrary, there is a warning about the warning of a suspected foreign approach.

Dosudov investigation is carried out by officers of the Lviv district police department No. 1 of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Lviv region, for operational support of the SBU Department in the Lviv region.

Note: Vіdpovіdno to Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is respected as innocent of the wrong committed and cannot be punished by criminal punishment, if the guilt is not brought to legal order and established by the accusatory verdict to the court.

Implemented the information policy of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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