The Department of Youth and Sports of the Lviv Oblast announced a competition for projects developed by civil society institutions that will receive financial support within the regional program “Youth of Lviv Region”.
We are talking about regional level measures – the project activity must include representatives of at least 4 districts of the region. The maximum amount of support from the regional budget is 100,000 hryvnias. One organization can submit several applications.
“When young people do for young people, this is the best option. After all, no one knows the needs, preferences and requests of young people better than those who belong to them. We are convinced that we will receive dozens of creative ideas and it will not be easy for the competition commission to choose the winners. When evaluating applications, we will take into account how well the project meets the competition’s objectives, how realistic the goal and expected results are, whether the project budget is sufficiently substantiated, etc., says the head of the youth and sports department of Lviv OVA Roman Khimyak.
Competitive proposals must be aimed at solving one or more priority tasks:
development of a network of youth centers and spaces;
volunteer activity;
activation of youth involvement in decision-making processes and raising the level of their public competences;
international cooperation and grant activity;
training of specialists who work with young people;
national and patriotic education of youth.
Those willing to participate should prepare the necessary package of documents:
1) application for participation in the competition in the form of the established sample;
2) description and estimate of expenses in the form of the established sample;
3) letters of confirmation from state authorities, local self-government bodies and their executive bodies, scientific institutions, civil society institutes, other institutions and organizations (in case of their involvement in the implementation (implementation) of the project (event);
4) information on the activities of the civil society institute, in particular the experience of implementing (implementing) the program (project, event) during the last two years at the expense of budget funds and other sources of funding, sources of funding of the civil society institute, its material and technical base and personnel support.
Tender offers are submitted in printed and electronic forms. Tenders are accepted from February 6 to March 9, 2023 (inclusive) every day, except Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the address: Lviv, str. 454, 18 Vynnychenko Street.
Contact phone number (032) 261-27-40, e-mail: molodpol@gmail.com
The results of the competition will be announced by March 24, 2023.