Phased familiarization meetings are held in all districts of the region.
Yesterday, on April 6, the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv Regional Government together with the Chervonograd RVA held a working meeting with farmers and representatives of local executive bodies and local self-government of the Chervonograd district on the topic: “Where to get money for micro and small agricultural producers in wartime?”.
During the meeting, Lyudmila Goncharenko, deputy director of the department and head of the department’s strategic planning, entrepreneurship and financial support department, informed farmers about the possibilities of attracting financial resources from budgets of all levels and from international technical assistance projects.
“In order to ensure the sowing company in 2023, the Government extended preferential lending for farmers for another year – until March 31, 2024 within the framework of the state program “Affordable loans 5-7-9%”. Agricultural commodity producers will continue to have the opportunity to attract loans for investment purposes at the level of 7% per annum with the possibility of a reduction to 5% for the creation of new jobs, as well as loans for replenishment of working capital at the level of 9%, “said Lyudmila Goncharenko.
Ruslana Paliy, deputy head of the employment policy implementation department of the Lviv Regional Employment Center, also familiarized farmers with the conditions for obtaining a grant for the creation or development of their own business in more detail.
The deputy director of the department introduced the new Procedure for the reservation of conscripts according to the list of conscripts during martial law, as well as the Procedure and Criteria for determining enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period – Oksana Bakun, Head of the Department of Food and Rural Development. She noted that the order of the head of the regional military administration dated February 28, 2023 No. 101/0/5-23BA and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy dated February 21, 2023 No. 223 (with changes) approved additional criteria for determining enterprises , institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period.
During the visit, Tetyana Borushok, the deputy head of the Department of Agricultural Infrastructure Development and Land Relations of the Department of Agriculture, LOVA, informed the audience about the latest changes in the current land legislation, and also emphasized the importance of registering farmers in the State Agrarian Register.
“To register in DAR, you need to have an Internet connection, a computer or laptop, a qualified electronic signature, an e-mail, a telephone. Registration will take a few minutes and you will have in your office information from the State Land Cadastre, the State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations, the State Register of Real Property Rights and the Register of Animals, information from which is combined in the DAR. – explained Tetyana Borushok.
The participants of the meeting also learned about the current lending programs from JSC “Oschadbank”, which were presented by Svitlana Ksyonzhik, manager of TVBV 257, and about the “Own House” program, which is implemented by the Lviv Regional Fund for Support of Housing Construction in the Village.
The representatives of the Department of Inspection Activities in the Lviv Region of the Western Interregional Department of the State Service on Labor Affairs familiarized farmers with the conditions for observing labor safety during spring field work and the peculiarities of the organization of labor relations between the employer and the employee in the conditions of martial law.
Earlier, a meeting with farmers was also held in Stryi and Sambir regions.