Another 43 applicants from the Lviv Region, whose business plans were analyzed within the framework of the YeRobota program this year between March 3 and 26, will receive micro-grants for starting or developing a business.
In terms of the number of positive decisions in the fourth wave of consideration of applications, Lviv Oblast entered the top three against the background of other regions of Ukraine, ceding the primacy to the capital.
The Lviv Regional Employment Center informs about this.
In the last period, 30 individual entrepreneurs, 6 legal entities and
7 budding entrepreneurs who are just about to open their own business and start
work for yourself
Women (56.8%) and persons with higher education (51.1%) predominate. The approved business plans provide for the creation of 91 new jobs. By type of activity, the largest number of positive decisions is in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles (21%), temporary accommodation and catering (21%), processing industry (18.6%).
In total, from July last year until now, 566 people received positive decisions on granting grants under the YeRobota program, whose documents were previously reviewed by the commission of the Lviv Regional Employment Center. Of them, 133 applied this year. Therefore, thanks to the government project, almost 1,300 new jobs will be created in the region. The average amount of financial support for grant program participants is UAH 234.4 thousand, and the total amount of funds already received by entrepreneurs is almost UAH 100
million hryvnias.
Acceptance of documents for receiving micro-grants from active entrepreneurs, as well as those who do not yet have experience in running a business, continues. A mandatory condition is the creation of at least one new workplace.
In addition, since April 10 of this year, applications for grants to combatants, persons with disabilities as a result of war and their spouses have been accepted. Such applicants have the opportunity to receive funds in the amount of 250 thousand to one million hryvnias for opening or expanding a business, provided that new jobs are created. For more details, see https://bit.ly/3KIE3lz.
Consultations on participation in the “eRobota” program can be obtained from
divisions of the regional employment service (contacts – https://bit.ly/40jWW59), as well as by phone: +380966825183, (032) 233 05 78.