The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Resolution №333 of March 19, 2022 “On approval of the Procedure for compensation of expenses for temporary accommodation of internally displaced persons who moved during martial law and do not receive monthly targeted assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses, including payment for housing and communal services ”, which provides for compensation for the payment of communal services to residents who have accepted forcibly displaced Ukrainians.
According to the Procedure, compensation is provided to natural persons – citizens of Ukraine who are owners of residential premises and placed internally displaced persons in these premises free of charge.
To receive compensation, the owner must apply to the executive committee of the village, town, city council at the location of the premises.
The amount of compensation will be 14.77 hryvnias per 1 person for 1 day of stay.
Compensation is made exclusively in non-cash form.
Important: compensation is provided only in the absence of indebtedness of the owner for housing and communal services.