Resolution No. 39 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 17, 2023 “On Amendments to the Procedures Approved by Resolution No. 738 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022” amended Resolution No. 738 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022 “Some issues providing business grants”, in particular, regarding the procedure for providing grants for the creation or development of horticulture, berry growing and viticulture and the procedure for providing grants for the creation or development of greenhouses.
This resolution settles the issue of transferring funds to recipients whose grant decisions were made in 2022 and which were not funded or not fully funded in 2023 from the general fund of the state budget.
In particular, grant recipients have the opportunity to choose the method of financing the grant according to the decisions of 2022, namely:
transfer of the entire amount of the grant or the balance of the amount of the grant, which is underfunded in 2022 (the recipient independently within 30 calendar days after the conclusion of the contract transfers the entire amount of funds of his share of co-financing (or the balance of the underfunded amount), after which measures are taken to transfer the entire necessary amount of the grant);
transfer of the amount of the grant or the balance of the amount of the grant, underfunded in 2022, in parts, in accordance with the submitted payment instructions of the applicant (financing of the grant is carried out in parts, in accordance with the submitted payment instructions of the recipient).
For this, the recipient of the grant must submit an appropriate application to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, indicating an acceptable method of financing.
With the changes made, it was recorded that the term of implementation of the planting project was increased to 18 months.
The procedures for granting grants for horticulture and greenhouse farming, supplemented by the rules that the establishment of plantings must be carried out with planting material of plant varieties, the information about which is entered in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine or the Register of Patents, and based on the results of the project of planting plantings (construction of a modular greenhouse), the recipient must It is necessary to provide a new garden, berry garden or vineyard (modular greenhouse) with an irrigation system with water intake.
“In 2022, 8 grants in the amount of 41.7 million hryvnias were approved for Lviv region. on the creation and development of horticulture. With the changes made, the term of implementation of the planting project has been increased to 18 months. This will give gardeners the opportunity to decide on the step-by-step planting of new plantations, the purchase of the necessary equipment and the effective implementation of grant funds,” comments Tetyana Hetman, director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
You can find out more about the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 17, 2023 No. 39 “On Amendments to the Procedures Approved by Resolution No. 738 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022” at the link: https://www.kmu.gov.ua
Comprehensive information with the conditions and requirements for obtaining a grant is provided in the Procedure for granting grants for the creation or development of horticulture, berry growing and viticulture, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022 No. 738 “Some issues of granting grants for business” and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy dated 12.07. 2022 No. 447.
You can familiarize yourself with the above regulatory documents for obtaining a grant on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy at the link: https://is.gd/FKidtx