The number of legal entities is growing in the Lviv Oblast: the oblast is the sixth in Ukraine by this indicator
Wholesale and retail trade and vehicle repair are the most common types of business.
As of 1 October this year, there were 85 thousand legal entities in the Lviv region. Over 9 months of 2024, 2245 new legal entities were registered.
This data is provided by the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine (USREOU).
According to the Main Department of Statistics in the Lviv region, the number of legal entities increased by 2 thousand (2.4%) compared to 1 January this year, and by 2.6 thousand (3.1%) compared to 1 October 2023.
The share of Lviv region in terms of the number of legal entities in Ukraine was 5.6%, ranking the region 6th among the regions by this indicator.
Almost half of the enterprises are registered in the form of LLCs – 43.5%. Thus, as of 1 October this year, there were 37 thousand limited liability companies in the region, which is 5.5% more than on 1 October 2023.
The number of private enterprises totalled 13.6 thousand and increased by 43 units compared to October 2023, and their share was 16.1%.
Most legal entities were registered in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (13.9 thousand or 16.4% of the total number of legal entities). A significant number of them were in the field of administrative and auxiliary services (7.4 thousand, 8.7%), industry (6.2 thousand, 7.3%), construction (4.5 thousand, 5.3%), real estate transactions (4.2 thousand, 5.0%), professional, scientific and technical activities (3.8 thousand, 4.4%), agriculture, forestry and fisheries (3.3 thousand, 3.8%).
“If you look at the statistics, as of the beginning of 2022, we had 77475 legal entities, and the data as of 1 October 2024 shows a figure of 84981. This clearly shows that despite the difficult economic situation caused by the hostilities, the region’s economy is alive and growing. In turn, we are making every effort to assist our entrepreneurs through support programmes, training, etc.”, said Andriy Godik, First Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
As of 1 October 2024, 3,086 separate divisions of legal entities were also registered in the Unified State Register. As of 1 October 2024, the number of persons registered as individual entrepreneurs totalled 126.3 thousand, which is 11.5% more than as of 1 October 2023. The region’s share in the number of individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine was 7.4% (4th place among the regions).