Own incomes of regional level institutions continue to increase
In 7 months of 2022, budgetary institutions, institutions and organizations received more than UAH 602 million of their own revenues, which is UAH 420 million or 3.3 times more compared to the corresponding period last year.
In particular, in the field of health care, revenues increased 5 times, physical culture and sports – 1.9 times, social protection – 1.7 times, education – 1.5 times. At the same time, own revenues decreased by 30 percent in the field of culture and art, and by 3 times – the utility enterprise of the First Western TV and Radio Company.
In January-July, medical institutions received over 462 million UAH, educational institutions – 55 million UAH, social protection – 49 million UAH, physical culture and sports – about 20 million UAH, culture and art – 12 million UAH.
From the own revenues received during this period, 253 million hryvnias were used to support their activities by institutions, institutions and organizations of the oblast level, of which 208 million hryvnias were used for current expenses, and 45 million hryvnias were spent on capital expenses. Such revenues are a significant additional source of financing their needs during the period of martial law.