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Another 9 communities of the region have begun to start working on the promotion of energy efficiency in the boundaries of the regional program

To allow the territorial communities to ensure the uninterrupted passage of the opalous season 2023/24 by laying the foundations of the social sphere and reaching the economy of fuel and energy resources.

Within the framework of the Comprehensive Program for the promotion of energy efficiency, energy saving and the development of energy efficiency in the Lviv region for 2021-2025, we are planning to introduce in the power of territorial communities. On the basis of the regional budget, 30.2 million hryvnias were transferred to this region for 22 communities.

Today, 13 communities of the region, with financial support from the regional budget, are already carrying out budivel and installation works from the reconstruction of external and internal heating systems, housing, reconstruction and overhaul of the boiler with the transition to alternative types of fire, in coal and electrical energy.

Orders of the head of the Lviv OVA dated 03.08.2023. No. 610/0/5-23BA made changes, which, before the transfer of projects in the territorial communities of the region, in 2023 will be introduced to improve energy efficiency within the framework of the Comprehensive Program, including 9 more objects.

The implementation of the budget is charged for the expenses of the regional budget from the financial support from the local budget. In the index of financial capacity of the territorial communities, the amount of financial support from the regional budget varies from 20 to 80% of the total cost of projects. With all the costs of the regional budget for the implementation of one project, no more than 1.5 million hryvnias should be allocated.

How to shout at the Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex, Energy Efficiency and Housing and Communal State of the Lviv OVA, the implementation of projects for the promotion of vital energy-efficient entrances to allow the territorial communities of the region to secure an uninterrupted passage The anniversary of the infamous season 2023/24 will be pledged by the social sphere and reach the economy of fuel and energy resources.


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