The average salary is UAH 10.5 thousand.
As of February 1, 4,482 unemployed people were looking for work through the Lviv Regional Employment Service, for whom there were 3,978 job offers in the database of vacant jobs and vacant positions.
“The majority of vacancies (65.2%) are addressed to representatives of labor professions,” said director of the Lviv Regional Employment Center Vasyl Barilyuk. – Only 26.9% of vacancies are registered for employees, and even less (7.9%) – for those without a profession and special training.”
The average salary specified in the vacancies was UAH 10.5 thousand, but some employers are ready to pay twice as much, in particular to doctors of various specializations, drivers, turners, seamstresses, tractor drivers, repairmen, electricians, etc.
Some are offered an even higher reward: an agronomist – UAH 52,000, a truck crane driver – UAH 45,000, drivers and tractor drivers – UAH 30,000-40,000.
The regional employment center reminds that it is possible to register with the employment service in order to find a job through the “Diya” application (https://diia.gov.ua/services/dopomoga-po-bezrobittyu) provided that there is a qualified electronic signature or by applying in person to the nearest unit of the LOTZZ (contacts – https://bit.ly/40jWW59).
Unemployment benefits are granted from the first day after the date of granting unemployment status.
During the period of martial law, its minimum amount is UAH 1,000, the maximum amount is UAH 6,700 (no more than the amount of the minimum wage established by legislation on January 1 of the calendar year). The duration of payment is up to 90 calendar days.