Boryslav, Sudovishnyansk and Skhidnytsia territorial communities of Lviv region became participants in the initial program “Digital Resilience Accelerator “Community 4.0” to be implemented for the support of “U-LEAD from Europe”. We were informed about this at the regional office of U-LEAD in the Lviv region.
During the coming months, representatives of the communities will go through an acceleration program, the basis of which will be the methodology of design thought. This technique transfers iterative development and testing of products, oriented to the meshkantsiv communities.
With the participants of the initial program, knowledge and understanding of Ukrainian specialists in digital transformation. In addition, the team-participants will take care of mentors, as they will give professional encouragement, encourage development and help with development.
Let’s get started on March 2023, all come online. It is significant that the initiative “Digital Resilience Accelerator “Gromada 4.0” is being promoted by the NGO “SocialBoost” in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and for the support of the “ULEAD in Europe” Program.
The initial initiative Gromada 4.0 is a five-thousand-year acceleration program for representatives of the municipal self-regulation organizations. The program will help create and implement digital projects for communities to ensure sustainability during the war. This program is based on the strength of the digital capacity of the Ukrainian communities, as well as the support of the latest and future digital leaders in the development of digital transformation projects.
Protective for Ukrainian is the right of the rights of the right on the Missary RIVNI, PIDZVITI TO ROZVITY “U-lead Zvropo” Spylniyu, the same by the member of the Minhs, Polishchi, Danjyu. self-rowing. U-LEAD promotes transparent, intelligent and rich management in Ukraine, as it meets the needs of the people, and expands the possibilities of the communities.