At the front roci, information was added to about 328 settlements.
At the beginning of the year, before the Sovereign Land Cadastre, the facsimiles of the Head Office of the Derzhgeocadastre in the Lviv region made a statement about the normative penny assessment of land in 220 settlements in the region.
“Our practitioners will ensure that the information about the normative penny valuation of the lands of the settlements in the Lviv region is brought to the database of the State Land Cadastre, and they organize the work of updating. Bringing these data to the database of the Derzhzemkadastr should be additionally ensured security for the citizens of how to form and enroll the requested documents, zocrema for the additional e-service of the Derzhgeokadastr.
Zagal to the subsidiaries and commissions office submitted information about the normative penny assessment of land in 1318 settlements in the Lviv region.
“Depending on the situation, as it has developed in Ukraine, it is possible to think about the possibility of taking up the administrative and other services of the Derzhgeokadastre online, including the name of the hero about NGOs of the land plot. The next thing is that they introduced a new functionality for automatic molding of drawings from technical documentation of NGOs of land plots, like roztashovani in the boundaries of settlements. Such a molding is necessary for the software security of the subsidiaries and landlords, and it’s possible to be more clear in the subsidiaries and settlements committee of information about the NGO of the lands of the settlement and about the land plot itself. This innovation allows to take away the predictions of heroes in electronic form immediately after the filing of a declaration without the participation of practitioners in the territorial bodies of the State GeoCadastre,” Tetyana Hetman, director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv OVA, appoints.
All E-services (https://e.land.gov.ua/) work in the primary mode.