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A meeting of the district working group on the legalization of salary payment was held

The district military administration held a meeting of the district working group on issues of legalizing the payment of wages and employment of the population and on issues of ensuring the timeliness and completeness of tax payments and repayment of arrears from wages and other social benefits

The meeting was held by First Deputy Chairman Volodymyr Dzyunka with the participation of Deputy Chairman Andriy Tyndik, deputy heads of territorial communities and those responsible for work on issues of legalizing the payment of wages and employment of the population and on issues of ensuring the timeliness and completeness of tax payments and repayment of arrears from wages and other social benefits .

On the agenda was the issue of the organization and measures of control and response to compliance with the legislation by business entities of activities related to the completeness and timeliness of the payment of a single contribution, the guarantee of the realization of the rights of employees to mandatory social insurance, as well as the provision of income to the Pension budget fund of Ukraine and local budgets.

First Deputy Chairman Volodymyr Dzyunka emphasized that the issue of compliance with labor legislation and the legalization of labor relations are priorities. After all, legal labor relations are the receipt of legal income, the completeness and timeliness of the payment of a single contribution, the guarantee of the realization of the rights of employees to mandatory social insurance, as well as the provision of income to the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and local budgets.

Volodymyr Halak, the head of the Citizen Service Department No. 21 (service center) of the Citizen Service Department of the main office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Lviv region, emphasized that one of the main problems today is filling the budget. The commission is always effective and gives its positive results, therefore it is necessary to hold meetings and solve problematic issues to improve the situation, since the state “stands” for the timely and complete payment of taxes.

As of today, there are six enterprises in the district that have arrears of wages, among which three are due to the EUV. Heads of territorial communities are instructed to conduct informational and explanatory work with the management of enterprises regarding the solution to the debt situation.

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