Sad statistics in the Lviv region: 30 people have died on water bodies since the beginning of the year
. These are alarming figures that make us think about the responsibility of each of us.
Yesterday morning, at 06:30, the Central Rescue and Diving Service pulled the body of a man born in 2004 to the shore from Lake Navariyske in the village of Navariya, Lviv district.
The Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lviv region once again appeals to citizens and emphasises that while recreating near water bodies it is prohibited
– swim in places not designated by local authorities and not equipped for swimming;
– climb warning signs, buoys, tanks;
– jump into the water from boats, boats, bridges, structures not intended for this purpose;
– swim alone;
– drink alcohol before and during swimming;
– play dangerous games in the water that involve limiting the movement of arms and legs;
– swim unaccompanied by adults.
All of these rules and recommendations point to the importance of a responsible attitude to water recreation. We must remember that the safety of ourselves and others is in our hands.