To the city composting station located on the street About 2 tons of Christmas trees have already arrived at Plastova, 13. Over time, the used conifers will become a component of useful compost, which anyone who wants to can purchase for the needs of their own farms.
Meanwhile, LKP “Green City” reminds residents about the importance of proper disposal of holiday trees. For this, there are Christmas tree collection points in Lviv, and everyone who wants to can take the conifers to the composting station on their own or leave them at the container sites near their homes on certain days.
“Conifers are also organic, like the rest of the trees, leaves or food waste produced by the population. It is very important that they are not burned, do not end up in a landfill, but instead are processed in a composting station, thereby giving life to new plants.
All live Christmas trees are suitable for composting. To do this, they must be without decorations, garlands, wires, etc., – noted Natalia Senyk, head of the department for organizing the separate collection of organic waste at the “Green City” LKP.
We would like to remind you that after the end of the Christmas holidays, 7 centralized collection points for Christmas trees will operate in Lviv so that residents can hand them over for disposal. Yes, you can leave conifers on January 25 and January 28-29 at the container sites at the following addresses:
· Ave. Chornovola, 1 (near the container yards);
· St. Zamarstinivska, 167a;
· St. Volodymyra Velyky, 14a (entrance to the Cinema Center located in the park “Goryhovy Gai”);
· St. Vyhovsky, 34 (near the Railway District Administration);
· St. Shafarika, 15 (entrance to the Pohulyanka forest park);
· Ave. Chornovola, 45 (on the square next to the “Shypshina” tire repair shop);
· St. Hotkevicha – the entrance to the park of St. John Paul II of the Pope, near the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin.
If residents do not live near these locations, they can leave Christmas trees next to their garbage containers on the same specified days, and their solid waste haulers will take the conifers to the composting station.
“All Christmas trees will be crushed on a crusher into chips – a small fraction, which is an extremely important part of the future finished product. Our organic fertilizer consists of three main parts: wood chips (shredded Christmas tree or other garden waste), food waste and leaves. All this is mixed in the appropriate ratio and composted for three months. Next, the finished, stabilized product is sifted through a sieve. And so it can be implemented for the needs of the residents of the Lviv community,” said Myroslava Bilokur, leading technologist of the composting department of the “Green City” LLP.
She added that the finished compost can be used to feed seed crops, land reclamation, gardening, nurseries or just home pots. Due to its optimal environment, compost is a useful supplement for most types of plants.
By the way, Lviv residents can independently bring conifers to the composting station located on the street. Plastova, 13, and in LKP “Green Lviv”, at the address of st. Zamarstinivska, 167a. There is also a need for used Christmas trees and Santa Clauses in the Home of Rescued Animals.