The Education Department of the Chervonohrad City Council invites the business entity to provide cooking services, namely: two meals a day for internally displaced persons and / or evacuees from 15.05.2022 from humanitarian aid products.
Cooking is possible in the premises of educational institutions on the terms of the lease agreement, the agreement on reimbursement of utilities and energy, the agreement on compensation for land tax.
It is also possible to prepare meals in the business premises of the business entity with delivery to educational institutions.
Contact by May 12, 2022: Chervonohrad city, Shevchenka ave., 19 (third floor centralized accounting office № 312, tel. 3-13-10, office № 313, tel. 3-19-08, E-mail: chervosvita @ ukr .net, rgvo4mr@ukr.net)