A center to help women in crisis pregnancy was opened in Lviv. The center will provide free counseling, training and assistance to women. The idea of creating such a center belongs to the public organization “Save Life”, which was launched jointly with the Lviv City Center for Social Services in the city. The institution will operate on the street. Lychakivska, 47.
“Here, in the center, traditional family values will be promoted, such as happy motherhood and responsible parenthood and partnership. The center specializes in reducing the birth rate, preventing abortions and their consequences. We will provide psycho-emotional support to the expectant mother, and work with specialists is aimed at helping women with unplanned pregnancies, families experiencing the tragedy of premature child loss (death, miscarriage, disease) “, – said in the Lviv City Center for Social Services” Between Us ” .
As part of the Save the Life project, educational projects for young mothers will be organized here, where they will develop the necessary skills of proper baby care, personal hygiene rules, building harmonious relationships with partners, home finances and family life, etc.
“Ukrainians are on the list of endangered nations. Our country is dying out. The main reason for this is the very low birth rate. Because of this, we decided to help pregnant women, in particular internally displaced pregnant women, who are currently reluctant to give birth. Therefore, the idea of this center is to show a woman that she will be supported here at this difficult time, she will be helped psychologically or financially, she will be accompanied during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby. It is important for us to show that the future is what we can and should give birth to today, ”said Dmytro Kolesnyk, one of the authors of the project.