On the fourth day after Easter, a meeting of generations took place in the Chervonohrad tercenter: people of a respectable age and students of the Chervonohrad Mining and Construction Lyceum “Leadership School”, who impressed with the performance of songs about Ukraine, mother, and the wards danced to “Chervona Ruta”.
The joint meeting, organized by the Chervonograd tercenter and the “Caritas Kramatorsk” charity organization, contributed to a good spring mood, helped to forget about the troubling days of the war. With joint prayer, songs, and poetry, the meeting participants supported each other and thanked God for these happy moments. Delicious sweets from Chervonogradska of the city council added to the holiday.
The director of the Chervonograd tercenter, L. Voytovych, received a thank-you from BO” BF “Caritas Kramatorsk” for cooperation and support of initiatives aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable segments of the population.