In October, border guards of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment exposed 16 bribe-takers. The bribes were offered in national and foreign currency.
“The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has zero tolerance for corruption. We carry out regular preventive measures in this direction and this brings results, because since the beginning of 2024, border guards of the 7th Carpathian Border Detachment have refused to accept illegal benefits worth more than UAH 1.7 million,” said Valentyna Skred, Head of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Group of the 7th Carpathian Border Detachment.
The bribery attempts were made by people trying to illegally leave the territory of Ukraine, including those using forged documents. The offenders also included those who failed to provide the necessary documents to cross the border, as well as travellers who tried to influence a legal decision by bribing to avoid being brought to administrative responsibility.
By the way, the offence is punishable under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Offer, promise or giving of an unlawful benefit to an official”.
The total amount of illegal funds in October reached almost UAH 73 thousand.
Border guards reported all cases to the competent authorities for further legal action.