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Best pupils of Drohobychska hromada to be awarded medals for successful completion of studies

Another school year has come to an end. The last school bells ring and modest graduations take place in the hromada’s educational institutions throughout the week.

This year’s achievements of Drohobych graduates are considerable: 46 gold and 18 silver medals. This information was announced by Roman Hrytsay, head of the education department. According to him, traditionally, the best students of the community will be awarded medals at a city-wide event. The time and location of the event will be announced later.

In total, the number of this year’s graduates from hromada schools is 495. This is the number of pupils saying goodbye to school life forever.

A total of 1,301 pupils completed the ninth grade.

For those students who continue their studies and are secondary school students, language camps will be opened at the community’s educational institutions on 10 June. They will last for two weeks. As a rule, the camps focus on English or German. Learning will take place in a light and playful way. All the necessary information about enrolment in the camps will be provided to students and parents by the administration of educational institutions.

This academic year, more than 12,000 students, including 502 IDPs, studied in general secondary education institutions of the Drohobych territorial community.

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