A flower is a modified shortened, unbranched shoot with limited growth capacity, metamorphosed leaves, intended for pollination, sexual process and the formation of seeds and fruits, which is formed in flowering plants.
A flower is a complex system of organs that ensures the seed reproduction of angiosperm (flower) plants. The process of flower formation is complex and multi-stage.
Flowers are divided based on gender, the nature of pollination, the presence of nectaries, and the shape and structure of the perianth. Many flowers have an important symbolic meaning in the culture of different peoples.
Assigning meanings to flowers is known as the “language of flowers”. Some of the more common examples are:
🔹 Red roses are a symbol of love, beauty and passion.
🔹 Poppies are a symbol of peace at the time of death. In Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, as well as recently in Ukraine, symbolic images of the red poppy are worn in memory of soldiers who died during the war.
🔹 Roosters and lilies are used in burials as a symbol referring to “resurrection/life”.
🔹 Daisies are a symbol of innocence.
Today we will introduce you to a flower that we met on the highest peak of Lviv Oblast – Mount Pikuy
MOLODYLO HIRSKE (commonly known as KAMYANA TROYANDA) is a succulent plant of the genus Sempervivum from the Crassulaceae family. It grows on stony substrates, which are sometimes loosely covered with meadow areas. Most of the populations are located at an altitude of 1400–1900 m above sea level. In Ukraine, it is found in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian regions. The species is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, where it has the conservation status of “Rare”.
RLP “Verkhnyodnistrovski Beskydy”