On April 12, on April 12, members of the organization near Lvov held a ceremonial ceremony until the Day of the First Plast Oath, as 111 years ago it became the beginning of the foundation of the largest youth organization in Ukraine.
At Lvov, on April 12, 1912, 10 young people swore the Plast oath to the fidelity of Ukraine. Traditionally, this day is celebrated as the day of the people of the organization. At the same time, Plast operates in 24 countries of the world and in 108 settlements in Ukraine.
In the middle of the sunset, the lamps of the Pochesna Vatry Plast members were laid to the graves of the Plast’s leaders, to the Memorial to the Plastuns, and to the graves of the Plastuns, who saw life in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
“The Plast oath is a compass of values and a road trip for the skin member of the Plast. We cherish the memory of all, for the sake of whom it is possible to continue the Great Idea of the Great Gri. We make layered oaths, like 111 years our successors laid down. It is a great honor to keep them on the right,” Yaroslav Bulyshyn, the builder of Plast near Lvov.
Before a word, the great celebration of the First Plast Oath for the Lviv plastuns in the youngest birds (for 2 years) to the oldest plastuns-seniors is planned to be held on April 22.