Today Ukrainians together with the Polish community solemnly celebrated the 231st anniversary of the Polish Constitution on May 3
The celebrations were attended by the head of the Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytsky, the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv Eliza Dzwonkiewicz, servicemen and Poles living in the city of Leva.
Attendees laid flowers at the monument to one of the most prominent Polish poets, Adam Mickiewicz.
“Today’s holiday is not only Polish, it is our common one with Ukrainians. I know that our Constitutions were adopted first in Europe. It is a law that defines not only our rights but also our responsibilities. Laws must be respected, because it is very important. The aggressor state Russia also has a Constitution and it should not be an aggressor if it respects it. Today, both Ukrainians and Poles, we show the whole world that we will continue to be together and there will be no force that can divide us. We believe in Ukraine very much. ” – Said Mrs. Consul.
The head of the region Maksym Kozytsky, represented by Ms. Consul, thanked all the Polish people for their support of Ukrainians from the first days of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth was adopted on May 3, 1791. It was the first constitution in Europe and the second in the world after the American one. The national holiday became in 1919. For a long time, the celebration of Constitution Day was banned. And only in 1990 the holiday became state again.