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Electronic Pantheon of Heroes presented in Drohobych

A person is alive as long as the memory of him or her lives on… Ten years have passed since the bloody executions of the Revolution of Dignity and two years since the enemy’s full-scale invasion of our land.

Many residents of the Drohobych community stood up to defend Ukraine from the enemy and defended it at the cost of their own lives. Each fallen defender is greeted with honours by the native community and pays tribute to their heroism on one knee.

To preserve the memory of every Hero who is no longer with us, Drohobych has developed an Electronic Pantheon of Heroes.

This is a separate online portal linked to the city council’s website, which contains a short biography of each Hero, photographs, memories of relatives and comrades-in-arms, information about the place of service, call sign, military decorations and awards, details of death and burial place.

It was created by the Department of Digitalisation, Information Policy and Communications, together with the Department of Social, Psychological, Legal Support and Interaction with Defenders and their Families.

The collection of information and photos was carried out in consultation with the families of the fallen Heroes.

Today, on 22 February, the online portal was presented to representatives of the local media in the Drohobych City Council chamber.

It was presented by Drohobych Mayor Taras Kuchma and Deputy Mayor for Humanitarian and Social Relations Yuriy Kushlyk.

Natalia Datsiv, Head of the Department of Digitalisation, Information Policy and Communications, presented the website’s functionality, content and available filters. Journalists had the opportunity to get acquainted with the computer and mobile versions of the site and ask questions about the Electronic Pantheon, as well as about the Memory Alley, which is planned to be opened soon in Stepan Bandera Park.

The portal of the Electronic Pantheon contains information about 129 fallen Heroes who came from the Drohobych community, lived here, or contributed to its development and died in the fight against the Russian enemy since 2014.

No funds were spent on the development of the Electronic Pantheon of Heroes from the budget of the Drohobych community.

Our unbreakable Heroes gave the most precious thing they had – their lives – for their native land. They defended their country until their last breath. May the bright memory of each fallen Hero of Ukraine live forever… In the name of our Victory,” the Pantheon portal says.


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