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The people of Chervonohrad wanted to keep the old name of the city

У Червонограді завершилось голосування щодо перейменування міста

Residents of Chervonograd at the meeting advocated renaming the city to Chervonograd – the renaming commission approved 14 options for renaming Chervonograd

Chervonograd should be renamed in accordance with the decolonization law

On Thursday, November 2, the residents’ electronic voting on the renaming of Chervonograd in Lviv Oblast, which had been ongoing since October 25, ended. As a result, the proposal to rename the city to Chervonograd received the most support.

2,823 people from the city of more than 65,000 took part in voting on the electronic platform (over 90,000 residents live in the Chervonograd community). The proposal to rename the city Chervonograd received the largest number of votes (1,294 or 35%).

In second place was the initiative to rename the city to Krystynopil (1,086 or 29.5%).

Other ideas for renaming the city received a small number of votes.

It will be recalled that at the beginning of October, during the public discussion, those present opposed the change of the name of Chervonograd, proposing to rename it to Chervonograd. This initiative was supported by the first deputy mayor Dmytro Balko, who moderated the meeting.

Subsequently, a special working group chose 14 options for renaming Chervonograd, which were put up for electronic voting. Next, the Chervonograd City Council should consider the decision to rename the city.

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