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Over 400 locations have been identified in the Lviv region for the arrangement of stationary heating points

Also, in case of critical need, the forces of the State Emergency Service will deploy mobile heating points for the population of the region.

Every day, the enemy continues to attack critical infrastructure facilities of Ukraine, in particular, energy facilities. In view of this and the approach of the heating season, the region is preparing for possible critical situations in the absence of electricity and heat supply.

Therefore, they are setting up stationary heating points for the population, which will be used in case of a critical situation.

“In the event of a lack of heat and electricity supply, when the weather cools down and the heating season begins, we, together with local self-government bodies, will deploy stationary heating points for the population. In accordance with the proposals of local governments (local self-government bodies), for the specified needs, we will attract objects, as a rule, of social infrastructure, which at this moment are already equipped to a certain extent and are suitable for accommodating people who will need help. This stationary heating point must perform several functions at the same time. In particular, shelter, heating, access to the Internet, if necessary, receiving first aid,” Andriy Godyk, the first deputy head of the Lviv OVA, told during a briefing at the “Ukraine” media center.

So far, local authorities have submitted more than 400 locations that can be used for stationary heating points. The Lviv OVA is analyzing their provision, the next step will be a commission examination regarding the possibility of using it as intended.

“Our task is joint with the local self-government bodies, and I emphasize that it is primarily the obligation of local government to make maximum efforts to ensure that the indicated heating points are provided with everything necessary. In particular, it is an alternative power source, as a rule, a generator that corresponds to the area and the potential number of people, the possibility of accessing the Internet, food and water supplies, etc.,” Andriy Godyk noted.

He added that 27 heat guns have been purchased from the regional budget so far, and work on the purchase of generators is ongoing.

Also, Lviv OVA constantly appeals to international partners and benefactors with a request to help equip stationary heating points, in particular with alternative energy sources and starlinks.

Currently, they are working on an algorithm to inform the population about the presence and addresses of such points.

In case of a critical situation, the heating points, but already mobile, are ready to deploy the emergency services.

“A tent will be deployed, which will have a backup power source, an opportunity for people to warm up, charge their phone, etc. The head office is equipped with a certain number of tents of power sources in the form of generators,” explained the head of the Head Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, Yuriy Kagitin.

These items will be able to be quickly moved to places where there will be the greatest need.

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