Lviv has launched the “green wave” mode of coordinated traffic light control on another section of Volodymyr Velykyi Street – from the McDonald’s restaurant to the Hetman Hotel.
It is about synchronising 3 traffic lights located on Volodymyr Velykyi Street – Karaffa-Korbut Street; 34 Volodymyr Velykyi Street; 34 Volodymyr Velykyi Street – Symonenko Street – Kurovets Street. Coordination works in the direction of Kulparkivska Street. Drivers are advised to adhere to the speed limit of 45-50 km/h.
Lvivavtodor notes that if this speed is adhered to, this section can be driven without stopping during the off-peak period. They also explained that the efficiency of this “green wave” is affected by the congestion of the Volodymyr Velykyi Street – Kulparkivska Street – Vyhovskoho Street ring. Accordingly, during peak hours, when Volodymyr Velykyi Street is overloaded with traffic, it is impractical to talk about passing these traffic lights without stopping.
“This is the second “green wave” on Volodymyr Velykyi Street, the first one is operating in the direction from the new TSUM to Stryiska Street, and the other one is operating in the direction from the new TSUM to Kulparkivska Street. We continue to work to synchronise the operation of traffic lights in other areas and improve traffic safety and comfort on the streets of our city,” said Mykola Vlasiuk, director of Lvivavtodor.
As a reminder, the “green wave” traffic control mode is also in operation on Chornovil Avenue, on two sections of Horodotska Street, on Lypynskoho Street, at the exit from Lviv towards Malekhiv village, and on Kulparkivska Street.
Lviv City Council: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/city/transport/303461-svitlofory-synkhronizuvaly-na-shche-odnii-diliantsi-vulytsi-volodymyra-velykoho