Hacker attack on e-ticket: how will the debiting of funds for trips made on March 28-April 3 take place
As Oleg Zabarilo, director of the department of urban mobility and street infrastructure of the LMR, said, specialists of LKP “Lvivavtodor” together with contractors are finalizing the configuration of the e-ticket system and restoring it after the hacker attack. It is expected that approximately tomorrow, April 4, the gradual debiting of funds from bank cards for trips that took place in the period after the hacker attack will begin.
“These funds will be debited to the passenger within one day, but in separate payments. After that, debiting of funds for cashless trips will take place in the usual mode,” Oleg Zabarylo stressed.
LKP “Lvivavtodor” adds: if, for example, a passenger received several separate notifications about withdrawal of funds in one day (-30 UAH, -15 UAH, -30 UAH) – these are debits for validations that were carried out on separate days, and as well as various media (a physical card or a gadget with NFC support). One transaction is the amount for tickets validated within one day by one carrier. If a person paid with both a bank card and a phone on the same day, this will also be two withdrawal notifications.
“Debiting for previous validations with bank cards will approximately continue during April 4-5. Further, the withdrawal of funds for trips will be carried out in regular mode”, – specified in LKP “Lvivavtodor”.
Planned debiting of funds from LeoKart cards will begin on April 5. This process will take several days, depending on the total number of travel registrations made.
“If the passenger has validated his general LeoKart, debiting for all travel registrations from March 28 to April 3 will also take place gradually. Several write-offs may occur during the day, as the uploaded registration data from the on-board systems are processed. One write-off is a withdrawal for validations carried out during a separate day.
Important: the actual balance will be displayed only after the withdrawal of funds for all validations carried out during March 28 – April 3”, LKP “Lvivavtodor” emphasized.
We will remind, on the night of March 29, a hacker attack on the electronic ticket system in Lviv was recorded. Based on this fact, an appeal was sent to the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine. The police have opened criminal proceedings and are conducting investigations. As of today, public transport is operating as usual, cards are being validated.