In the Head and Neck Center of St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv, new wards for patients were opened. It is here that those with injuries or pathologies of the head, neck and ENT organs are treated. It was possible to repair seven wards and a corridor thanks to benefactors.
The last renovation was carried out here more than 10 years ago. Since then, due to the high flow of patients, the walls and flooring both in the wards and in the corridor needed updating. It was possible to do this thanks to benefactors – companies Regno, Zammler, Mitsubishi Motors in Ukraine and others.
“Since the first days of the war, we have received many patients from all over Ukraine with severe mine and explosive injuries, gunshot wounds that require complex reconstructive ENT operations. And at the same time, they need comfortable conditions for staying here. That’s why I thank our benefactors and partners for their constant support and help,” noted the director of the St. Panteleimon Hospital, Yulian Golyk.
In addition, for the comfort of patients, the residents of Dobrochyn have installed modern air conditioning systems in each ward.
“The problem was that we have a sunny side and patients always complained that the wards are very hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Therefore, in accordance with all sanitary standards, repairs were carried out, air conditioners were installed, and the design of the rooms was completely changed. I am very grateful to the sponsors for this help.
Our patients are very difficult, because we provide, as a rule, emergency care for ENT pathologies and pathologies of the maxillofacial area. Patients come in with inflammatory processes, with tumors, and at the same time, we perform planned operations, as well as reconstructive operations,” explains Oleg Kovtunyak, head of the Head and Neck Center.
The repairs lasted several months at the expense of patrons. The cost of the works reached about 65 thousand dollars.
“The idea to make repairs arose a few months ago, and for this I gathered like-minded people among my business friends. Now is a rather difficult time, and it reminds me of the process on Everest, when you no longer have physical strength, but go for moral and willpower. As far as I’m concerned, now is the time in Ukraine when everyone needs to make one more dash to victory, despite the fact that it’s difficult. We took into account the wishes of the center’s doctors and our own experience, because in 2021 we renovated the department of pediatric cardiac surgery in this hospital. I want to thank everyone who joined our initiative from the first time,” says Roman Horodechny, a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, philanthropist, co-founder of the Regno company, the Port logistics center, the first Lviv resident to climb Mount Everest.
“We have been helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the first days of the full-scale invasion: financially – through the support of various projects, and by our own example – defending the country. Now I and another 25 of our employees are serving in the army. Unfortunately, among colleagues there are also those who return from the front with injuries. They, like all wounded defenders, need timely and professional medical assistance. And our contribution to this is an unconditional obligation and a manifestation of gratitude,” says Viktor Shevchenko, co-owner of the Zammler group of logistics companies.
As a reminder, the Head and Neck Center of St. Panteleimon Hospital is a modern center for 24-hour urgent and planned care for patients with pathologies of the maxillofacial area: inflammatory processes, traumatic injuries, tumors, as well as for helping patients with pathologies and injuries of the ear, throat and nose . About 2,000 patients receive help here per year, of which 1,500 are patients who require surgical intervention.