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In Lviv, the installation of power grids and outdoor lighting networks is being completed at the site of the transport hub

На місці транспортного хабу на перехресті вул. С. Бандери – Чупринки завершують облаштування електромереж та мереж зовнішнього освітлення

Within the reconstruction of the street In the village of Bandera, work on the construction of the transport hub at the intersection of St. S. Bandery – Chuprinky. The contracting organization “Onur Construction” LLC plans to complete the main construction works by the end of this year – to replace all networks and pave the space with paving stones, and street furniture and landscaping will be installed in the spring of 2023.

“Work is ongoing on the arrangement of the transport hub at the intersection of St. S. Bandery – Chuprinky. The connection of water to the drinking fountain has already been completed, at the final stage of the work on the installation of electrical networks and outdoor lighting networks,” Lvivavtodor LLP said.

We will remind you that LKP “Institute of Spatial Development” developed the project of the first transport hub at the corner of the street. Chuprinka and Bandera in Lviv. A public space will be arranged on a small area between transport stops, where it will be possible to conveniently transfer from one type of transport to another.

On the territory of the hub there will be wide stops, places for rest and bicycle and scooter rental stations. You can charge your car in parking slots nearby. The pavilions will be landscaped with climbing plants, and Callery Chanteclair pears will also be planted.

In addition, the square will have a drinking fountain, tree-trunk gratings with ground lamps for illuminating trees, bicycle racks with built-in sockets for electric bicycles, and racks for parking and charging scooters. There will also be benches of various types on the square, including standing tables.

The customer of the project is the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ. The project is implemented within the framework of the reconstruction of the street. S. Bandera.

It should be noted that now there are two public transport stops on this triangle – on the side of the street. S. Bandera and from the side of St. Chuprinka

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