In pursuance of the barrier-free strategy, Lviv plans to equip accessible ground crossings at intersections with underground crossings.
This was reported by the press service of the Lviv City Council.
Thus, Lvavtodor is to prepare projects to duplicate 4 underground crossings with ground ones. The relevant decision was approved by the executive committee of the city council the day before.
In particular, it concerns the following 4 intersections:
1. the intersection of B. Khmelnytskoho Street – Kovelska Street – B. Hrinchenko Street;
2. the intersection of Horodotska Street – I. Vyhovskoho Street;
3. the intersection of Lychakivska Street – Mytna Square;
4. the intersection of Lyubynska Street – V. Karadzhycha Street.
According to the Lviv City Council’s Department of Safety and Street Infrastructure, there are traffic lights at the first three locations, but they only regulate traffic. Therefore, they need to be reconstructed by adding a pedestrian section and arranging safe crossings for people. There are no traffic lights on Liubynska-Karadzhycha streets, so they need to be built there and pedestrian crossings arranged accordingly.
“First, the relevant project documentation will be prepared. After that, work can begin. It should be emphasised that the costs will not be significant, as there are traffic lights at 3 of the 4 locations. All they need to do is add pedestrian sections and reprogram them. As for Lyubinska Street, after the installation of a regulated crossing there, it will be more convenient not only for pedestrians but also for drivers. Thus, motorists will be able to make left turns, because now they are forced to turn right and go to the neighbouring intersections with Vyhovsky or Petliura streets,” explained Pavlo Sirvatka, deputy head of the Lviv City Council’s Department of Safety and Street Infrastructure.
In addition, overhead crossings are planned to be arranged in 3 more locations with existing underground ones – on Horodotska Street near Vilkhova Street and near Patona Street, as well as in the centre – on Halytska Square – Mickiewicz Square. “In order to minimise costs, we can probably do without the construction of traffic lights. In particular, to make safety islands and implement other cheaper measures,” added Pavlo Sirvatka.
We would like to add that there are currently 14 underpasses in Lviv. Half of them have already been duplicated by regulated or unregulated overpasses. Therefore, there are 7 more locations to be equipped. As of now, 2 underpasses are not functioning and are closed. These are the crossings on Horodotska Street on the outskirts of the city and on Heroiv UPA Street.