LCP told how to identify signs of rabies in pets, prevent infection, as well as what to do with an animal suspected of having rabies. All four-legged owners were also urged to vaccinate the animals to prevent the disease. This can be done by appointment at the First Municipal Veterinary Clinic LCP “Lion”.
“Rabies is an acute infectious disease that affects the central nervous system with signs of polyencephalomyelitis, is accompanied by paralysis and always ends in death.
The development of human rabies can be prevented by vaccination of humans and vaccination of animals.
The virus is neurotropic, so it is localized only in nervous tissues. After the onset of clinical signs will be excreted with saliva. Wild beasts are the main distributors of rabies. Usually infection in animals occurs through a bite or mutual licking “, – inform in LKP” Lion “.
How to determine the signs of rabies in a domestic dog?
The sick animal becomes depressed, lies down, loses its appetite, is indifferent to water – there is no hydrophobia. At the end of the second day there is anxiety, the dog tries to hide in a corner (under the bed, in the box), gasps for air, can gnaw his healed wound, swallows inedible items. It can run away from home over long distances – up to 50 km per day. The period of arousal lasts 3-4 days, the animal dies on day 6-8 of the disease. This is a classic picture. But in any case, the animal’s behavior changes, which should alert the owner. A dog causes people to become infected because they live in their environment. A vaccinated dog, if bitten by a sick animal, is not a source of infection or rabies.
What to do with an animal suspected of rabies?
A dog, cat or other animal that has bitten people or animals should be immediately taken to the nearest veterinary clinic and notified to the State Food and Consumer Service for inspection and maintenance under the supervision of specialists within 10 days.
How to prevent rabies?
To protect your dog and your family from such an insidious disease, you need to know how to protect yourself from rabies. The only way to do this is to vaccinate pets. It must be done in advance. Vaccination should be repeated annually. It is also advisable to avoid contact of the dog with stray and wild animals. After all, even the safest-looking hedgehog can be a spreader of the rabies virus.
“Remember, rabies cannot be cured, it can only be prevented!”
You can vaccinate your pet against rabies in the First Municipal Veterinary Clinic of LCP “Lev” at the address: Lviv, st. Promyslova, 56 by appointment by phone 068 535 45 45 (2).