The Yavoriv Military Administration hosted the second meeting of representatives of international partners with the heads of the military administration, community leaders of the district, managers of support offices and heads of shelters.
Every day, people apply for help to the Civilian Support Office at Yavoriv Military Administration. In January 2024 alone, more than 300 people received free assistance here. In total, over the two years of the office’s operation, about 6,000 people have received humanitarian, medical, psychological and legal assistance.
Our task today is not to stop, but to continue working hard for the well-being of the district’s residents and for the victory of Ukraine. That is why the Yavoriv Military Administration hosted the second meeting of representatives of international partners with the heads of the military administration, community leaders of the district, managers of support offices and heads of shelters. The event was initiated by the Luhansk Regional Coordination Center.
The key issues discussed were:
– strategy of support of the district’s communities by international partners
– analysis of joint work in the district
– problematic issues.
International partners presented their work, shared their experience with communities and how they could be useful. Such meetings are very important because they provide an opportunity to communicate, hear each other and unite for results.
Also during the meeting, the head of the Lviv Regional Military District Administration, Maksym Kozytskyi, awarded the gratitude of the Office managers Alla Zhmurko and Margarita Bozhko for their active public position, dedication to the work related to helping internally displaced persons and overcoming the negative consequences of the war. These are people who have become part of a large project. They are the ones who communicate with people and international partners on a daily basis, hear everyone’s problems and look for ways to solve them.
“I am grateful to the charitable organizations and foundations, namely People in Need, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Charitable Foundation Rockada, Right to Protection, HelpAge International in Ukraine, Forest Initiatives and Society, LLC, Charitable Organization DiagnoMed Charitable Foundation, Maltese Aid Service, NEEKA Carpathian Region, International Charitable Foundation “Little Victories”, Yavoriv Red Cross for sharing their experience and projects today. Thank you for always supporting Yavoriv district and helping its residents. Your work is not easy, but it is full of goodness and love for your neighbor. May the Merciful Lord protect you and reward you a hundredfold for your good deeds.
I am grateful to the communities that took part in the event and always support such initiatives. We are all a team, so we are moving forward to victory together.
Once again, I am grateful to the head of the Lviv Regional Administrative Department, Maksym Kozytskyi, for the initiative to create such offices in the districts. I thank the coordinator of the centers, Halyna Bordun, and all the office managers for their tremendous work. This is the case when people unselfishly help others because they realize that together we are strong and can overcome anything,” the Yavoriv District Administrative Office said.
If you need help, please contact the Yavoriv district support offices at
м. Yavoriv (“Warrior’s House”), 1 A Shashkevycha Street.
Manager Alla Zhmurko, tel. 0674710344
Novoyavorivsk, 1 Shevchenko St., 2nd floor (Palace of Culture “Crystal”)
Manager Margarita Volodymyrivna, tel. 0674710630
You can also register by following this link: https://cutt.ly/R2wuP9V
All assistance centers can be found on the map of Lviv region
Partnership application form
Read also: More than 67 thousand people received assistance at the offices of the Coordination Center for Civilian Support in 2023