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Current and major road repairs are ongoing in Drohobych and the community

On a number of roads in Drohobych, Stebnyk and the territorial community, current and major repair works are ongoing. As reported in the Department of Urban Economy, the works are being carried out within the terms defined by the agreements.

In particular, preparatory works for the overhaul were carried out on Zvaritskyi Street. According to the contract of planned works, the water main will be replaced on the section of the road from building No. 40 to the intersection with Kotsyubynskogo Street, and therefore, under favorable weather conditions, the road surface will be asphalted. The final deadline for repair works on Zvaritskyi Street is scheduled for July 2024 – adds Taras Kuchmanych, Deputy Head of the Department of Municipal Economy.

In addition, the current road repair of Dolishnya street (Medvezha village) is at the stage of completion.

Overhaul of Truskavetskoho lane (Ranevychy village) is in progress.

Repair work is actively underway on Viytivska Gora street in Drohobych.

Also, according to Taras Kuchmanych, the current repair of intra-quarter passageways in the Konovaltsi microdistrict has been completed.


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