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The chairman of Zhovkiv and a local deputy-entrepreneur argued over the “disgust” of the fence and the possible seizure of the land plot

The head of the Zhovkiv City Council in his publication on the Facebook social network informed the community that a local deputy, a doctor and a businessman arbitrarily seized the plot and installed the fence without the appropriate permits.

Here are the words of the head of the city council:

Another example of deliberate violation of the law, arbitrarily seizing a plot of land, paving it with cobblestones and basic bad taste in Zhovkva.

Local entrepreneur/MP/gynecologist Volodymyr Tsymbala purposefully caused damage to the community. Without any permits, he arbitrarily seized the territory, paved part of the land plot near building No. 9 on the street with cobblestones. Lvivska and dismantled the communal fence.

The fact that he bought 2 apartments at this address in no way allows him to do such things.

Based on this fact, our utility company drew up two acts (I attach a photo), according to which the violator had to eliminate his violation: remove the cobblestones from the communal land and restore the fence.
Unfortunately, he has not done so until today. Although, I informed him about these requirements at one of the sessions of the city council as an entrepreneur/deputy. Therefore, we are creating a separate city council commission for this. The next stage is to file a claim with the court.

Mr. Volodymyr, once again I publicly ask you: do not set an unworthy example to other honest and conscientious businessmen who conscientiously work for the Victory of Ukraine and the good of the residents of the Zhovkiv community; please remove the illegally installed paving stones and restore the fence on the communal land.

I would like to separately address the Samopomich Union political party, whose leaders and many members I respect very much and consider decent: could, conditionally, a deputy of the Lviv City Council afford such a thing in the center of Lviv? And what would he do for that?

Today, during a meeting with the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovy, I will ask his opinion on this fact of abuse by a party member. Paraska Dvoryanyn, what do you think about it? I also ask you to take measures to prevent such tarnishing of the party’s reputation.

Later, in the comments, the chairman and the deputy continued the dispute:


I understand that someone’s peak of taste is an old rotten net with barbed wire. – said the deputy

You broke the law. You will be responsible for it. You still have the opportunity to remove the cobblestones and restore the destroyed fence. Or wait for the court’s decision, – answered the head of the city council

it is very strange when the mayor performs the function of a court and establishes guilt. We take care of our city, and we wish you the same – continued Volodymyr Tsymbala

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