Captain Yurii Drozd: “After a serious injury, I continue to serve in the RTCC and keep the “front” in the rear”

Before the full-scale Russian invasion, he worked as a private entrepreneur, after that he could not stay away and in the first days of the war he joined the Military Commissariat.

Before the full-scale Russian invasion, Yuriy Drozd worked as a private entrepreneur: he provided services for the manufacture and installation of monuments. In the first days of the war, he joined the Military Commissariat. He was baptized in battles in the east, was wounded. Today, he continues his service in the district territorial center of recruitment and social support in his native Chervonohrad.

In 2017, Yuriy Drozd made a memorial granite complex of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and Heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian War. Thanks to the talent of his hands, a monument to Stepan Bandera, a monument to the fallen miners, a monument to the soldiers of the Second World War appeared. He has many awards and thanks for his personal contribution to the development of the city of Chervonograd.

She informed the Public Relations Service of the LOTCC and SP.

Mobilized immediately on the second day of the war. He says that when the war started, he could not stand aside and, first of all, thought about protecting his family, children, parents and his home.

“At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, I voluntarily came to the Central Committee and SP. He had the rank of lieutenant, then he was appointed to the post of platoon commander of the guard company of the Chervonograd Territorial Center. Over time, he was transferred to the 24th brigade. Served as a rifle platoon commander in a rifle company. Our rifle battalion was formed on the basis of all military committees. After training in Verblyany, we went to the Lysichan direction. The first heavy battles took place in Vovcheyarivka,” said Yuriy Drozd.

He was wounded in the head: a gunshot wound to the face, a contusion. Many boys were also injured. He says that it was a miracle that he managed to retreat. He wrapped the wounds with American tape in the forest. I fell behind a little and got to my own.

“Somehow I got to the Lysychansky factory. June, the heat, came to the factory, part of which had already been shelled by “Hail”. I really wanted to drink. Thank God, I found two bottles of water and a handful of candy there. It was happiness. I went further, orientated a little on the territory and reached the positions of the 10th brigade, which evacuated me. They took me to Kramatorsk, there were a lot of my guys there, with various degrees of injuries. The surgeon sewed up my nose for an hour and a half to shape it well. It’s a shame I didn’t remember his name because I was in a state of shock, but I will be truly and forever grateful to him. After the treatment, I returned to the army,” Yuriy Drozd shared his memories.

Their unit was transferred from Cherkasy to the Zaporozhye direction, then near Mykolaiv. Received another injury.

“I was evacuated again. But the patriotic spirit and the desire to be useful prompted him to be active, to help, to serve his people, regardless of injuries and health. And these are not pathetic words, but my life beliefs. After a long treatment, I was transferred to the Chervonograd RTCC and SP. He has already reached the rank of captain.

It is somehow strange and even unfortunate that in society there is currently an opinion that those who serve in the TCC are those who are simply serving time. In fact, all the suitable ones were transferred to combat units a long time ago. People were returned here after being injured, who had a difficult journey. 90% of the guard company are servicemen who have suffered contusions, injuries, and are in poor health. And people who hide, sit on sofas in a warm house, treat us with disdain, often insult us. But the protection and defense of one’s country is the business of every citizen of their country,” said Captain Yuriy Drozd.


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