Today, Sokal Region conducted the final journey of Hero Andrii Rodi

Sokal region saw the Defender of Ukraine, Hero Andriy Rody, a resident of the village of Bodyachiv, who died at the hands of the occupiers, on his last journey. From now on, he will be 33 forever… Let’s remember the highest price that Ukraine pays for our peaceful sky, for our freedom.

On August 2, 2023, in a heavy battle for Ukraine, the commander of the 2nd tank platoon of the 1st tank company of the tank battalion A1008, Sergeant Rod Andriy Ihorovych, a resident of the village of Bodyachiv, born in 1990, died.

Andriy is a true patriot, volunteered to defend Ukraine in 2014, was a member of the ATO. Served in the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Roman the Great (military unit A1008). He survived the Ilovai cauldron, from there he was captured, later he was wounded, he was demobilized due to his health and returned to a peaceful life.

On the first day of the full-scale invasion, February 24, 2022, he packed his backpack and immediately went to the military unit as a volunteer, and from there he went to defend Ukraine together with his comrades. Served in “hot” spots, took part in heavy battles. He was appointed a platoon commander and was awarded the “For Courage” medal.

Young, courageous, he had so many plans for life, he was just about to marry his bride Olga, he dreamed of raising children, but a cruel war took his young life… From now on, he will be 33 forever.

We express our sincere condolences to father Igor, sister Tetyana, niece Oleksandra, fiancee Olga on the death of Andriy Rody. We thank the father for the worthy upbringing of his patriot son.

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