Taras Kruglyak, a combat medic from the Belz community, died

On October 30, 2023, Taras Volodymyrovych Kruglyak, a combat medic, resident of the village of Peremyslovychi, born on November 4, 1975, died.

We express our condolences to the mother, relatives, relatives and comrades of the soldier. Taras Kruglyak devoted himself to service, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, saved lives and defended the country from the enemy, eternal memory and honor as a Hero.

Tomorrow, November 1, 2023, Taras Kruglyak will return home forever, please meet the Hero approximately at 5:00 p.m. at the beginning of the native village of Peremyslovychi.

In accordance with the order of the mayor of Belz, in connection with the burial of Hero Taras KRUGLYAK, October 31-November 2 were declared days of mourning in the Belz territorial community

The Hero’s funeral will take place on November 2, 2023, the time will be announced later.

Heroes do not die!

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