In connection with the numerous appeals of citizens of the region to the hotline of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv regional state administration, regarding financial support in the form of a subsidy for the increase in the number of cows under the regional Comprehensive program of support and development of agriculture in the Lviv region for 2021-2025, the department clarified that the subsidy for the increase in the number of cows will be provided only to business entities (legal entities, registered family farms, individual entrepreneurs) who increased (increased) the number of cows in the period from 01 April last year to April 1 of the current year.
The above subsidy is not provided for individuals.
Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of cattle breeding have the opportunity to receive financial support from the regional budget this year in the form of a subsidy for increasing the number of cows. This direction is foreseen by the Comprehensive program of support and development of agriculture in the Lviv region for 2021-2025,
The subsidy for the increase of cows will be provided to business entities on a non-refundable basis in the amount of up to 30,000 hryvnias per head for the increased or newly created herd of cows in the period from April 1 of the previous year to April 1 of the current year, identified and registered in accordance with the law.
The subsidy for increasing the number of cows will be calculated on the difference between the number of cows as of April 1 of the current year and the number of cows as of April 1 of the previous year, confirmed by an extract from
The unified state register of animals, provided that the total number of livestock of the main herd will not be reduced during the year (until April 1 of the following year). Documents for obtaining a subsidy will be accepted from April 1 to May 1 of the current year.
Important: In the event of a decrease in the number of cows as of April 1 of the following year, business entities return the received budget funds to the regional budget in full in accordance with the procedure established by law.
You can read more about the terms of participation in the program, the list and sample documents at the link: https://loda.gov.ua/services/programs/18137
For more detailed information, contact tel. (032) 255-50-62, 066 718 09 18.
However, natural persons who keep from 3 to 100 cows can expect to receive a subsidy for keeping a herd of cows in the amount of UAH 5,300 per head, which is provided this year through the State Agrarian Register.
The requirement for subsidy recipients is that animal owners must be registered in the State Agrarian Register, and their cows must be registered in the Animal Register.