From now on, the analytical portal of the Lviv Region contains information on the state of development of development strategies and plans of measures for their implementation in the territorial communities of the region.
As reported by the Lviv OVA, with the support of the USAID “HOVERLA” Project, an interactive map was created on the portal (link: apl.loda.gov.ua), which displays current information about the work of communities regarding long-term planning of their development. It displays existing development strategies, action plans with their implementation and strategic environmental assessment, as well as community decisions on starting the development of these documents.
Communities with active strategies are marked in green, information on the period of validity of the strategies, decisions on their approval and expert support during development, as well as links to the text of the documents for review, are attached.
“The new dashboard will be useful first of all for potential investors and donors who are considering the possibility of investing in specific areas and do not know which territory is most suitable for this. After all, the planning documents contain a detailed profile and long-term development plan of the community, which makes it understandable to partners and investors,” said the deputy director of the economic policy department of the Lviv OVA, Vadym Tabakera.
“Compliance with strategic development goals is a mandatory condition for financing and implementing any projects in European countries. This practice is also widespread in Ukraine. The created interactive map allows donors to make sure that the implementation of a certain project corresponds to the development priorities of the specified territory, defined by strategic documents. This will be a guarantee that the aid will be really useful and will have a lasting result,” said the USAID Project expert.
“HOVERLA” from spatial planning Kateryna Stepchuk.
Also, on the map you can track communities that are still working on their development or that do not currently have planning documents.
“Our priority is to increase the competitiveness of communities. We work to ensure that all communities have quality strategies that integrate their local and external resources and provide them with competitive advantages and sustainable economic growth. For this, we involve international donor organizations and projects aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of local self-government bodies in the planning process. This dashboard will give them the opportunity to provide expert support not only to those communities that do not have experience in strategic planning, but also to those that need to update or improve the quality of existing strategies,” said Stepan Kuybida, director of the economic policy department of the Lviv OVA.
Like other portal dashboards, this map will also be constantly updated and updated.
We add that the Analytical Portal of Lviv Oblast is now available at apl.loda.gov.ua, due to the move to a new domain. Forwarding is currently working from the previous one.
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