Інші види спорту

Open training in various sports in the open air starts in Drohobychska hromada

Summer holidays are one of the favourite times for children. A busy year of studies and many plans for the summer are behind them. In order to make the holiday period useful and active, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Drohobych City Council, in cooperation with the city’s sports federations, is initiating a series of open training sessions for schoolchildren of the Drohobych community at various locations in the city.

In practice, this will mean only one thing: the children will have a series of interesting classes with well-known coaches and successful athletes of the city, get to know them and receive useful advice and training from them.

According to Oksana Sotrykhina, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Donetsk City Council, the first open training session will take place on 16 June at the artificial turf football pitch of the Children’s and Youth Sports School. It will be a training session in acroyoga and horting. The training will start at 11:00 am. All interested schoolchildren of the community are invited to attend the training. Please bring comfortable sportswear and shoes.

Oksana Sotrykhina notes that the summer period should be used to good effect, and that children’s best friends are not gadgets but physical training, activities and outdoor exercises.

The full schedule of open sports lessons during the holiday period for the community schoolchildren will be published on the website of the city council, as well as on the websites of the city schools.

Importantly, the classes will be held both in Drohobych, Stebnyk and in the villages of the Drohobych community. In general, training is planned in the following sports:

– Horting;
– Acroyoga;
– Kyokushinkai Karate;
– Freestyle Wrestling;
– Wushu;
– Taekwondo;
– Boxing.

Schoolchildren are encouraged to come forward and be active.

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