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The traditional amateur cycling marathon Lviv Sotka. Autumn”

“Lviv Sotka. Autumn” this year was dedicated to the memory of Valeriy “Doc” Tyshkovets, who tragically died in August.

He became a legendary figure for the Ukrainian randonneuring movement. All funds raised during the marathon will go to the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Lvivska Sotka route is an 82 km long course. The cyclist who reaches the finish line in 5 hours will receive a winner’s medal. The total number of participants is 400.

The marathon route was as follows: Lviv – Lypnyky – Mylyatychi – Sukhodil – Bibrka – Mylyatychi – Rakovets.

The event is organised by Lviv Cycling Club, with the support of the Department of Sports and Youth Policy of the Lviv City Council, the Department of Youth and Sports of the Lviv Regional State Administration and the Cycling Federation of Lviv Region.

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