The Charitable Fund “Caritas SDE UGCC” completed the construction of a 3-story building-hospital named after Ivan Paul II.
The area of the hospital is more than 15,000 square meters, and the building itself is located near the city of Drohobych. As of today, 15 seriously ill and injured persons in need of medical assistance are receiving medical and social care on the first floor. The second floor will soon house patients of moderate severity, and the third floor will be for those who can take care of themselves.
“When it comes to people with disabilities, the elderly, the injured or the sick, rarely is anyone willing to take responsibility for them. They need constant care and attention, which often no one can provide them, especially in public places for IDPs. Our organization “Caritas SDE UGCC” also faced this problem. Since the beginning of the war, BF has provided housing and care for approximately 19 internally displaced persons with disabilities and 15 elderly persons. The number of requests is large. We can take care of people who need it, but we didn’t have a place to accommodate them, so we decided to build a hospital,” said representatives of the Caritas Foundation.
According to statistical data, about 34,000 internally displaced people live in Drohobytskyi district, of which about 500 people have a certain disability. So, 258 internally displaced elderly persons have already been declared in the hospital alone.
“The number of people who seek asylum and need constant medical and social care, as well as psychological support, is very large. Considering that our country has difficulties and many problems due to the war, we cannot stand by and watch the death of people who are rejected by society because they are elderly or sick internally displaced persons without means of livelihood. The most vulnerable categories suffer. We face such situations every day and understood how important the construction of the hospital named after Ivan Paul II was,” the charitable foundation summarized.