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Kateryna Dolgova has been a mother-educator in a family-type orphanage in Lviv for 9 years

«Моє щастя помножено на десять», – мама-вихователька будинку сімейного типу

Kateryna Dolgova is a mother-educator of a family-type orphanage. For 9 years, children have been calling her mom. Kateryna has three daughters and seven sons in her family.

Solomiya, the eldest, is 21 years old and a student. The youngest Maxim is 5 years old and attends kindergarten.

“I have always loved children very much. But since I was unmarried, I thought that I could not become a mother-educator. But when I started to learn more about the forms of guardianship and care, I realized that I was wrong. I really wanted to give maternal warmth to those who didn’t have it, and my dream came true,” says Kateryna Dolgova.

At first, the woman created a foster family, took three children into her home. Now they are adults and already creating their own families. Later, in the Lviv community, the “Service for Children” department of the Lviv City Council created a family-type children’s home, and Kateryna became a mother-educator in it.

“At first I was scared, because children are a big responsibility, and with each child that comes to our house, we go through our school. It’s not always easy, but when you get hugged ten times in the morning before school or kindergarten – well, isn’t that happiness? Multiply my happiness by ten,” the woman shares.

Kateryna brings up her children by her own example. Teaches how to cook, bake, monitor the cleanliness of clothes and rooms, take care of the territory near the house. In the summer, the family often goes to the village, plants vegetables together, takes care of the garden, and visits the woman’s mother, who lives outside Lviv.

“Mom teaches us everything, we are absolutely ready for adult and independent life. In everyday life, we are doing well. And she talks to us a lot, we can discuss all situations in the world with her as a friend. It is a blessing to have such a mother,” says Marichka, one of Kateryna’s adopted daughters.

“It is very important to me that my children understand what life is like, to be able to cope in any situation. My main task is that they grow up to be good people, and also good parents,” adds Kateryna.

The woman’s children are talented: the boys play musical instruments, attend clubs. One of her adopted daughters, Marichka, is preparing with tutors for admission to the Ivan Trush Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts. The girl has a talent for drawing, she decorates perfectly. Yevhen, who is 20, plans to realize himself in the field of IT. Solomiya, the oldest among the children, is studying to become a teacher of junior classes, and outside of her studies, her hobby is baking cakes. Veronika, who is 7, is a real little fashionista: her wardrobe is full of dresses with lace and sequins.

“I support my children’s talents in every possible way, I spare neither time nor money for this. Veronika likes to play with dolls, dress them up – I replenish the wardrobe of these dolls. Solomia bakes – I buy everything for baking and decorating. It’s wonderful and very important when children have hobbies,” says the woman.

Kateryna raises her children alone, her sister and mother help her when needed. In summer and in the warm season, a large family goes to the sea, travels a lot in Lviv region.

“The war changed everything a lot. Changed me and my children. The children grew up in an instant. I have a basement equipped for shelter, and there is also a well-stocked car in the yard so that, if necessary, I can take the children to a safe place. I so want them to live under a peaceful sky in our country.

I do not condemn the parents who left their children – I feel very sorry for them. It’s just that in childhood, some mechanism inside these people broke, something went wrong, and they grew up. That’s why I put a lot of work and love into children, it’s so important, because from that love, a person who knows how to love grows up,” says Kateryna Dolgova.

The family observes all celebrations and traditions. Children sing carols, sow and give generously, so all 12 dishes are prepared for the Generous Evening.

“We certainly prepare all traditional dishes: this includes borscht with lean yeast pancakes, kutia, dumplings, fish. We always look forward to the holidays, we all get together. We will be generous and pray a lot so that peace will come to Ukraine,” says Kateryna at the end.


“Family-type children’s home (DBST) – is created at the request of a spouse or an individual who is not married, who take in at least 5 orphans and children deprived of parental care for upbringing and joint living. They approach the creation of DBST with responsibility, collect the necessary documents and undergo training. Future parents-educators first get to know the children, after which they form a family,” the city office of the “Service for Children” says.

If you feel ready to create a big happy family and give children love, or at least want to learn more about such an opportunity as a family-type orphanage, contact the “Children’s Service” department of the humanitarian policy department of the Lviv City Council: Lviv, pl. . Rynok, 1, room 523, tel. (032) 235-40-40, e-mail: ditu.lviv@lvivcity.gov.ua.

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