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Wards of the Tercenter in Drohobych clean nuts and prepare energy kits for the defenders of Ukraine

Senior citizens and persons with disabilities who are registered in the Drohobytskyi City Territorial Center of Social Services (provision of social services) continue active volunteering. In addition to warm things, the wards of the Tercenter, in cooperation with other benefactors, also provide defenders with useful bars. Preparation of goodies is preceded by painstaking preparation of ingredients.

Yesterday, November 16, employees of the Tercenter invited the wards to clean this year’s first batch of nuts, which are part of the vitamin treats for the Armed Forces.

For a charitable cause, those present communicated and shared suggestions on how to join charity and volunteer activities in the future in order to bring a common victory over the aggressor closer as soon as possible. The cleaned nuts will be handed over to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where energy bars are prepared from the nutritious products for the front lines.

We will remind you that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the wards of the Tercenter participated not only in harvesting dried fruits and nuts, but also knitted warm socks and buffs for the defenders of Ukraine.


Вітаміни для воїнів: підопічні терцентру чистять горіхи та готують енергетичні набори для захисників України


Вітаміни для воїнів: підопічні терцентру чистять горіхи та готують енергетичні набори для захисників України

Вітаміни для воїнів: підопічні терцентру чистять горіхи та готують енергетичні набори для захисників України


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