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Snow and Glaze Ice in Lviv Region: Warning for Drivers

Snowfalls and Glaze Ice in Lviv Region: What to Expect?

Attention! Lviv region is covered with snow and glaze ice – be cautious!

According to the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology of Ukraine, there will be significant wet snow in the Lviv region until the end of March 15 (15 – 49 mm, in avalanche-prone areas 15 – 29 mm in 12 hours or less), occasional sticking of wet snow (diameter 11 – 34 mm), and glaze ice (diameter 6 – 19 mm).

Glaze Ice on Roads

From March 15 to 18, roads will have glaze ice.

Warning for Vehicles

For vehicles: Until the end of March 15, there will be significant, and on the night of March 16, moderate wet snow and snow. Unstable snow cover formation.

Be careful…

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