Residents and guests of Lviv Oblast are invited to attend the events that will take place on February 5.
The performance “Knock Knock”
Where: Lviv Academic Regional Puppet Theater, (Lviv, Danyla Halytskogo Square, 1)
When: 11:00
More details – https://lvivpuppet.com/schedule/
The play “Two Lions”
Where: Lviv Academic Regional Puppet Theater, (Lviv, Danyla Halytskogo Square, 1)
When: 12:00, 14:00
More details – https://lvivpuppet.com/schedule/
Ballet “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
Where: Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after S. Krushelnytska (Lviv, 28 Svobody Ave., Theater Mirror Hall)
When: 12:00
Performance “Merry Bears”
Where: Lviv Academic Theater of Variety Miniatures and People and Dolls (Lviv, 6 O. Fredra St.)
When: 13:00, 15:00
More details – https://puppet.lviv.ua/afisha.html
Performance “Lviv Tango”
Where: National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after M. Zankovetska (Lviv, L. Ukrainka St., 1)
When: 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m
More details – https://zankovetska.com.ua/
The play “Vertep”
Where: First Academic Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth (Lviv, 11 Akademika Hnatyuka St.)
When: 14:00
More details – https://kasa.in.ua/ua/pershyy-teatr-dlya-ditey-ta-yunatstva-tour
Bach’s music
Where: Lviv Academic House of Organ and Chamber Music (Lviv, 8 S. Bandery St.)
When: 14:00
More details – https://www.lvivconcert.house/
Play-play “Sunny Sky”
Where: Lviv Academic Regional Puppet Theater (Lviv, Danyla Halytskogo Square, 1)
When: 16:00
More details – https://lvivpuppet.com/schedule/
Frying pan 300. The play “The Poor Lark”
Where: National Museum in Lviv named after A. Sheptytskyi (Lviv, 20 Svobody ave.)
When: 17:00
More details – https://www.facebook.com/events/503201641960477?ref=newsfeed
Performance “146 stars visible to the naked eye”
Where: Lesya Ukrainka Lviv Academic Drama Theater (36 Horodotska St., Lviv)
When: 17:00
More details – https://teatrlesi.lviv.ua/afisha/
The performance “Cross paths”
Where: Lviv Academic Theater named after L. Kurbasa (Lviv, L. Kurbasa Street, 3)
When: 17:00
More details – https://kurbas.lviv.ua/uk/calendar
Ballet “Know Yourself”
Where: Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after S. Krushelnytska (Lviv, 28 Svobody Ave., Theater Mirror Hall)
When: 17:00
More details – https://opera.lviv.ua/afisha/
The performance “Image of things”
Where: Lviv Academic Spiritual Theater “Resurrection” (Lviv, General Grihorenko Square, 5)
When: 18:00
More details – http://voskresinnia.eu/index.php/uk/afisha-2/
Volodymyr Kostyrko and Pavlo Gudimov “Subject and Space”
Where: “I-gallery” (Lviv, Shota Rustaveli St., 8)
When: 18:00
More details – https://www.facebook.com/events/1282025959324042?ref=newsfeed
Discord with the Whip
Where: “Dzyga” Art Center (Lviv, 35 Virmenska St.)
When: 19:00
More details – https://bit.ly/3Y2WEhs
Takuya Shegishita. Symphony concert
Where: Lviv Academic House of Organ and Chamber Music (Lviv, 8 S. Bandery St.)
When: 19:00
More details – https://www.lvivconcert.house/
Lviv district
Charity carol festival with the participation of the parish choirs of the Zvenigorod Protopresbytery of the Lviv Archeparchy of the UGCC “Christmas Necklace”
Where: People’s House of the village Zvenigorod
When: 14:00
Sambir region
Charity concert in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Where: village Strilkovichi. Sambirska Tg. Premises of the People’s House.
When: 14:00