Новини культури

The Lviv Philharmonic invites you to a joint concert by the Dutch musician Torvald Jorgensen and the Philharmonic Orchestra

Jorgensen is a proponent of new repertoire on the theremin instrument.

On March 24, at 7:00 p.m., the Dutch musician Torvald Jorgensen will perform a solo with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Lviv Philharmonic under the baton of Iryna Vakulina.

His unusual instrument works as follows: vibrations of sound frequencies are created by a generator, their signal is passed through a loudspeaker and converted into sound. Even more interesting are the ways to control this invention.

Jorgensen is a proponent of new theremin vox repertoire, and composers from around the world are writing pieces for him. So, you will hear both masterful arrangements of classics and modern works of recognized authors.


  • Torvald Jørgensen, theremin vox
  • Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Lviv National Philharmonic
  • Iryna Vakulina, conductor


  • Peter van Anroy. “Piet Hein Rhapsody”
  • Joseph Schillinger. “The First Aerophonic Suite”
  • Arthur Onegger. “Pastoral d’ete”
  • Roja Miklos. “Spellbound concerto”
  • Ennio Morricone. “Once Upon A Time In The West”
  • Agustin Lara. Granada

The curator and moderator of the event is Marta Kuziy


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